shooting attack

Israel At War
The Terrorists Arrived in a Car and Shot: New Details About the Attack

The attack at the Tunnels Barrier: 3 terrorists arrived in a vehicle from the direction of Judea and Samaria, and opened fire on the security forces, who returned fire and neutralized them. The axis is closed to vehicular traffic, until the end of treatment at the scene.

JFeed | 16.11.23

A Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

6 Wounded in a Shooting Attack in Jerusalem; One of Them is in Critical Condition

Six people were injured in a shooting attack at the Tunnels Barrier in Jerusalem, one of them is in critical condition. Initial reports indicate that 3 terrorists were killed

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23

Today's Shooting Attack

The Person Killed in the Shooting Attack in Samaria: Elhanan Klein

The victim in the shooting attack near Shavei Shomron is Elhanan Klein, a resident of the Einav settlement. He leaves behind a pregnant wife and three young children. He was on his way back to the settlement from reserve duty.

JFeed | 02.11.23

Shooting Attack

Shooting Attack in Shavei Shomron: A 30-Year-Old Man was Murdered

Following the shooting carried out by terrorists, a vehicle overturned at a junction near Shavei Shomron. Paramedics and first responders who arrived at the scene attempted to perform resuscitation on a 30-year-old man, but shortly afterward, his death was confirmed.

| JFeed | 02.11.23

Shooting Attack

Suspicion of a Shooting Attack at Shavei Shomron Intersection; A Driver Responded by Shooting

Suspected shooting attack in Samaria. Rescue Without Borders Judea and Samaria reported that a suspicion was investigated that a passing vehicle fired at 2 vehicles near the Shavei Shomron intersection. There were no casualties in the incident.

JFeed | 30.10.23

Shooting Incident

Shooting Incident on the Tunnel Road: A 20-Year-Old Man was Moderately Injured

A person, approximately 20 years old, was injured by gunfire near the tunnels checkpoint in Jerusalem. He has been taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital in moderate condition.

JFeed | 11.10.23


Prime Minister Provides Yair Lapid With Another Security Update

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu provided Opposition Leader Yair Lapid with a security update: "Security update talks are ongoing since the beginning of the war."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Bnei Brak Hosts Southern Residents

An aid and hosting center was established in the city of Bnei Brak in a collaboration between Ichud Hatzalah and wedding halls propietor Rabbi Menachem Carmel. The center offers food, lodging, games, and activities for kids for a limited time or extended stay.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Death Toll Rises to 800, 2,500 Wounded 

Israeli hospitals are treating many wounded, including 157 with serious injuries, as well as 259 with moderate and 161 with light ones. The number of dead now stands at 800 since the beginning of the war.

JFeed | 09.10.23


IDF Spokesperson: We'll Update on the Captives Only After We Inform the Families

The Spokesperson addressed complaints of shortages and said "There is equipment in the IDF. There are places and units which reached 150% and 200%. We'll release some of the forces, we don't lack for equipment and we don't lack food, it's all coming."

JFeed | 09.10.23


The IDF Reinforces Settlement Protection in Judea and Samaria

More than 1,000 firearms will be provided for area defense of settlements. Direct talks are also being held between council heads and local security officers and sector and regional defense officers.

JFeed | 09.10.23


Gallant: A Complete Blockade on Gaza - No Fuel, No Food, No Electricity

The Defense Minister convened a situational assessment at Southern Command and ordered a complete blockade of the city of Gaza, closing off the border to movement of fuel and food and cutting it off from electricity.

JFeed | 09.10.23


Gantz Announces His Conditions for a Unity Government

The State Camp party published their proposal for an emergency government, with the main demands being a limited cabinet and no legislation during the war

JFeed | 09.10.23


"The IDF is Here and Fighting in Full Force"

Elite unit Shaldag commander Lt.-Col. B. left quickly with his unit already on Shabbat, conducting battles at kibbutz Beeri and Reim base with dozens of terrorists. "The IDF is fighting here non-stop with lightning in our eyes with the understanding that we're protecting civilians and before anything else."

JFeed | 09.10.23


Closing With the Enemy: 8 Stories of Heroism on the Gaza Perimeter

Soldiers and officers fought heroic battles for hours of the few against the many while closing with the enemy and killing terrorists to protect towns. Some of their stories were released today.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Nighttime Strikes in Gaza: 500 Terror Targets Were Hit - Watch

Over 500 targets were hit during the night, seven Hamas operational HQs were destroyed as well as a Palestinian Islamic Jihad operational HQ

JFeed | 09.10.23


Hamas: We Have More Than 100 Israeli Captives

Hamas leader Mussa Abu Marzook reported today that the organization has more than 100 Israeli captives. Earlier, Palestinian Islamic Jihad reported that they have 30 captives, bringing the total number to around 130.

JFeed | 09.10.23


Nir Barkat to Netanyahu: Form a Unity Government Today 

Nir Barkat called for forming a unity government today: "In this complex hour, we must put disputes aside and unite against an enemy that seeks to destroy us."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Smotrich: I Call on Netanyahu and Gantz to Form a Government Immediately

Finance Minister and Minister in the Defense Ministry Betzalel Smotrich called for the immediate formation of a unity government: "Forget teams and forget negotiations"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


For the War: The Special Exemption Given Knesset Members

Despite the Ethics Committee's principled stance against MKs calling for donating to organizations, the Committee has temporarily approved calls by MKs to donate to the war effort and the suffering residents, so long as the war is in effect.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23